Join Emiliyan Enev from ReCheck and key EU policymakers, who will speak about the opportunities for blockchain innovators in Europe at an online event on the 15th of December starting at 11 am CET. You can see the full agenda and register for free from this link.
This is a launching initiative of the Focus Group Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies that just got started in the European DIGITAL SME Alliance. It’s all about helping small and medium-sized businesses working on blockchain technology speak up and connect with different stakeholders. The initiative is building on what the Task Force Blockchain & DLT started in 2020, but now the goals are even more ambitious – to bring together our knowledge, facilitate synergies, and create a solid group to help shape blockchain rules in Europe.

The event “Opportunities for Europe’s Blockchain SME innovators” has a particular highlight – funding opportunities for blockchain projects. Plus, there’s a new catalog where builders in the blockchain space can all show off their amazing ideas. Everyone’s invited to share their blockchain solutions with the DIGITAL SME Focus Group, which means we can all make great connections.
At the online meeting, you will hear from key EU policymakers about how businesses can use blockchain. You can get fresh and useful insights from the European Commission (DG GROW), the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA), and the European DIGITAL SME Alliance.