Digital Building Logbook

The Digital Building Logbook – single source of truth for buildings

ReCheck is at the end of completing its project under Ontochain‘s initiative, and we are glad to share the main outcomes. Our team implemented a fully-fledged software solution that addresses significant challenges in building data management. Managing the constantly growing information streams in the real estate sector is a recognized pain. Various building data sets are increasingly fragmented, they get lost, and lots of information remains on paper. We address these challenges by proposing a unified and streamlined way of storing and managing the essential records that prove the performance of real estate. The solution is Digital Building Logbook (DBL), the major deliverable we recently presented to the Ontochain ecosystem.

The Digital Building Logbook (also called ReCheck Green Box) enables the storage, normalisation, and accessibility of various building data types, including real-time sensor data, documentation, maintenance history, and more. The logbook is a single source of truth for building information, allowing stakeholders such as property owners, tenants, and investors to access and utilise the data for various purposes. The platform collects dynamic data (e.g., metrics coming from sensors and IoT devices) and static information (documents, certificates, contracts, etc.). Each record is timestamped, secured in an immutable environment, and “attached” to the building for its entire life cycle. With the DBL, losing, manipulating, and hiding essential real estate data become almost impossible because the records in the logbook are tamper-proof and securely bound to the properties. If you want to sell the building, you just transfer the DBL to the new buyer, and they continue to maintain the history of the real estate. 

Main features supported by the Digital Building Logbook:

Real-time data collection

ReCheck Green Box collects data from various sensors and services. It then normalises and stores it in a unified format for analysis. The DBL implements workflows to normalise and standardise real estate data, ensuring consistency and interoperability across different data sources and formats. This allows for seamless integration and data aggregation from multiple vendors and systems.

Semantic data processing and accessing

The solution provides semantic data availability and querying, allowing for standardised access and reporting. The data sets collected from sensors, 3rd party platforms, or building management systems are enhanced by applying proprietary or standardised semantic data models.

Data security and traceability

Applying blockchain technology as a security layer provides enhanced data security, trust, and immutability. It ensures the authenticity and integrity of building data by recording cryptographic evidence and timestamps on the blockchain, creating a traceable and verifiable path for data provenance.

Digital twinning

The Green Box creates a digital twin of the building, storing all documents concerning the physical twin. It does this by aggregating digitised papers and records throughout its lifecycle. This enables a comprehensive view and historical data analysis. Via the Digital Building Logbook, the essential data sets and documents stay with the building throughout its life cycle.

Software components of DBL

Aggregator Service: Collects and normalises data from different sources.

Common DB: Stores metadata related to sensors and owners.

Influx adapter: Adapts normalised data for storage in InfluxDB and prepares the data for visualisation.

Grafana: Framework for visual representation of data.

ONTOCHAIN Services: Integration with ONTOCHAIN for data provenance and interoperability.

Semantic Query Service: Enables querying and access to ontology-based data.

Integration with ONTOCHAIN Ecosystem

ReCheck Green Box collaborates with the ONTOCHAIN ecosystem, leveraging its services and building blocks. The project utilises the OriginTrail DKG [2] Node Services for graph state storage and data provenance. It also extends existing ontologies like SAREF [1] and incorporates custom vocabularies like UOI and Recheck-Green-Box to bridge real-time data and other building documentation.

Collaboration opportunities 

The integration with the ONTOCHAIN ecosystem provides synergies with other projects within the ecosystem. ReCheck Green Box offers documented APIs for data sharing and interoperability with applications from ONTOCHAIN Call 1, Call 2, and Call 3. This collaboration enhances the platform’s value and utility, enabling innovative data consumption and monetization methods.

By collaborating with the ONTOCHAIN ecosystem, ReCheck Green Box becomes an open hub for storing, accessing, and verifying building log data. It offers value to existing applications within the ecosystem and allows for potential integration with other projects. The platform facilitates interoperability and data exchange, leveraging existing services and building blocks.

The availability of data in Green Box can be requested and shared by data owners, creating opportunities for data monetization and enabling new use cases to emerge within the ecosystem. The cooperation with ONTOCHAIN expands the possibilities for data utilisation and adds value to the platform’s offerings.

Purpose of Digital Building Logbook

The purpose of the digital building logbook is multi-fold. It aims to improve building performance by providing a centralised data repository for monitoring and analysis. It enables informed decision-making by providing stakeholders with reliable and comprehensive building data. The logbook facilitates compliance reporting, allowing users to access and extract the necessary information for regulatory requirements easily.

Additionally, the digital building logbook plays a role in attracting tenants and investors. It provides property owners with a tool to showcase comprehensive and reliable building data, helping to increase property value and differentiate themselves in the market. Tenants can access and exchange reliable data with the landlord, enabling maintenance, optimizing energy consumption, and assessing air quality.

Moreover, the logbook supports real estate investors by providing access to historical data for due diligence and informed investment decisions. It offers transparency and valuable insights into the building’s performance, contributing to a more comprehensive assessment of its value.

Overall, the digital building logbook serves various use cases in the real estate domain, enhancing data management, decision-making, compliance reporting, and attracting tenants and investors.

ReCheck Green Box aims to streamline real estate data management and improve data quality and accessibility. By doing so, it will enhance trust and security in the industry. Its collaboration with the ONTOCHAIN ecosystem and utilization of blockchain technology provide additional value and opportunities for integration and interoperability with other projects within the ecosystem.


[1] Saref building ontology 

[2] OriginTrail

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